• Nice Paper(ish) Labels

    Our labels are made of lightly textured 'wet strength' paper (or something like it) with permanent adhesive. What is 'wet strength'? It just means that they don't immediately fall apart if you get them wet. They are actually pretty nice labels with a high-end craft feel. Hey, they're cheap, give 'em a try if you don't believe me.

  • Design Online!

    While the labels are cheap, the ability to design online is not. We use this app for another portion of our business, so it's essentially free to us, and that means you get to use it on the cheap. There is that word again.

  • Decent Support

    Can you call us? No. But you can email us. We will get back to you in a reasonable timeframe. If you need your labels overnight for your wedding or something crazy like that, you'd better try grogtag.com. We are tired of hearing how good their support is. Cheap is right there in our name. Do you think we have 10 employees?